New Seeds

Theme Company/Organization Name
SunForce™: A Foam Contributing to Mass Production and Increased Shaped Flexibility of FRP Composites Asahi Kasei Corp. 2024/12
Hybrid Double Layer Woven Fabrics for Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials                    (Hybrid Double Layer Woven Fabric) AYAHA CORPORATION 2023/8
"Millefeuille Composite" sliced rigid foam core material Yoneshima Felt Co.,Ltd. 2020/3
Recovery of carbon fibers from CFRP and surface modification of the fibers using superheated steam Japan Fine Ceramics Center 2020/3
Development of thermoplastic CFRP cutting tool Gifu Prefectural Industrial Technology Center 2020/3
High-accuracy analysis of resin structure by high-definition X-ray fluoroscopy by new nano-focus X-ray photography method BEAMSENSE Co., Ltd. 2020/3
Technology utilizing carbon fiber composite materials Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute 2020/3
Development of High-Speed Large-Product Press Molding Technology (the LFT-D method) Using Thermoplastic CFRP Nagoya University, National Composites Center Japan 2020/3
3D molding technology for CFRTP Gifu Prefectural Industrial Technology Center 2020/3
Establishment of impact simulation method for composite and application to automobile collision Nagoya University, Mechanical Systems Engineering, Mizuno Laboratory 2020/3
Development of CFRTP tape lamination machine with its effective laminating method Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute 2020/3
Vibration and rigidity control for fiber-reinforced plastic by weaving method Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu Industrial Technical Assistance Center 2020/3
3D molding technologies for thermoplastic CFRP laminates Gifu Prefectural Industrial Technology Center 2020/3
Recycled carbon fibers and their sheet TAKAYASU CO., LTD 2020/3
Contract R & D and testing service for various polymeric and composit materials DJK Corporation 2020/3
Welding/fusion cutting between molded parts using thermoplastic CFRTP SEIDENSHA ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 2020/2
Cutting of thermoplastic CFRP using the ultrasonic cutter SONOTEC Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Development of CFRTP wheels by stamping molding RAPIIT Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Weight reduction of structural parts such as used in vehicle MIE METAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 2020/2
Building of infrastructure for the hydrogen society by using a type-4 (resin liner) 106 MPa compound vessel accumulator MARUHACHI Corp. 2020/2
Development of a carbon fiber composite CFRP forming system for mass-production HIRATA PRECISION INDUSTRIAL JAPAN INC. 2020/2
Streamlining of heating process and shortening of processing time for CFRTP prepreg sheet materials NORITAKE CO., LIMITED 2020/2
Water-based mold release agent with excellent secondary workability performance Neos Company Ltd. 2020/2
Fluororesin release sheet for resin forming process NIHON POLYMER CO., LTD. 2020/2
Continuous Sheet Forming of Thermoplastic CFRP Pre-pregs IPCO K.K. 2020/2
Carbon fiber molding technology, metal die manufacture SANKO GOSEI LTD. 2020/2
FRTP hybrid (over injection) molding machine equipped with high-speed heating and high speed conveying mechanism SATOH MACHINERY WORKS CO., Ltd 2020/2
Technology for achieving mass production of thermosetting and thermoplastic CFRP in press molding The MOT Company Ltd. 2020/2
High Cycle-RTM system KURIMOTO,LTD. 2020/2
Carbon-LFTD system KURIMOTO,LTD. 2020/2
Development of CFRTP material by a high shear processing method which enables to produce high strength, high modulus and lightweight parts HSP Technologies Inc. 2020/2
Heating of a CFRTP sheet using a high-response IR heater ASANO LABORATORIES CO., LTD. 2020/2
CFRTP mold forming system IHI Logistics & Machinery Corporation 2020/2
Reduction of running cost and increase of burning temperature by high efficiency carbon heater METRO DENKI KOGYO CO., LTD.  2020/2
Metal replacement and weight reduction by Reny tape: continuous fiber-reinforced special polyamide Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corporation 2020/2
Thermoplastic G/CFRP prepreg Porcher Industries Japan K.K. 2020/2
New Fiber Reinforced LCP Compounds for Injection Molding SUMITOMO CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Resin welding by ultrasonic (resin impregnation for UD tape/continuous welding of CFRTP parts/UD tape lay-up) Adwelds Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Optimization technology of shape and topology of a mechanical structure Nagoya University, Mechanical Systems Engineering, Matsumoto Laboratory 2020/2
2D & 3D Pre-form Materials (thermoplastic materials, thermoset materials) MARUHACHI Corp. 2020/2
Air-flow Single Tow or Multi Tow Spreading Machine. Spread Tow Weaving Machine. HARMONI INDUSTRY CO.,LTD. 2020/2
Thermoplastic carbon fiber mesh material NIPPON STEEL Chemical & Material Co., Ltd. 2020/2
CF-SMC manufacturing machine ( name at our company: SMC impregnating machine) Tokai Seiki Co., Ltd. 2020/2
CF-SMC sheet cutting machine, cutting and accumulation machine Tokai Seiki Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Axial UD prepreg roll production system Tsudakoma Corp. 2020/2
Development of new material using wet type jet mill SUGINO MACHINE LIMITED 2020/2
Isotropic CFRTP Stampable Sheet (CF / Thermoplastic Resin) Suncorona Oda Co., Ltd. 2020/2
New thermoplastic carbon fiber sheet KOMATSU MATERE Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Molding machine for CFRTP continuous fiber laminated plate KITAGAWA SEIKI CO., LTD. 2020/2
Commingled Yarn and Tape to enable various textile TP composites Kajirene Inc. 2020/2
Cement composite material development using recycled carbon fiber Toyo Matelan Corporation 2020/2
Semiaromatic polyamide resin for CFRTP matrix (PA9T) KURARAY CO., LTD. 2020/2
Manufacturing technology for CFRTP stampable sheet by using extrusion lamination method Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa 2020/2
Integrated manufacturing of products ranging from CFRTP raw materials to molded articles by utilizing the UD tape and the TAM molding method Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu Technical Support Center / Hamamatsu Society of CFRP Business R&D 2020/2
Development of thermoplastic CFRP sandwich panel Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa 2020/2
Manufacturing technology of CFRTP using fabric as base material Aichi Center for Industry and Science Technology, Mikawa Textile Research Center 2020/2
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) recycling, recycled carbon fiber product manufacturing Carbon Fiber Recycle Industry Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Technology development and equipment enhancement to accommodate multi-material requests JFE Techno-Research Corporation 2020/2
Development of the laser based technology for joining dissimilar materials between metal and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) for the weight reduction of automotive parts. MAEDA KOGYO CO., LTD 2020/2
Fastening and joining device for thermoplastic CFRP rivet using the servo press unit Dai-ichi Dentsu Ltd. 2020/2
Full digital servo press Dai-ichi Dentsu Ltd. 2020/2
Robotics and control system for cutting the fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) composite used in the aircraft and automotive industries Mechatro Associates Co., Ltd. 2020/2
High-quality and long-life processing of CFRP by crystal diamond coated fiber mill NACHI-FUJIKOSHI.CORP 2020/2
Extension of life of CFRP hole-processing drill by crystal diamond coating NACHI-FUJIKOSHI.CORP 2020/2
Grinding tool "Grit Ace" (Change from cutting to grinding to realize high-quality with high-efficiency processing, and reduce the cost) NORITAKE CO., LIMITED 2020/2
High-accuracy processing by water jet processing machine SUZUKI KOGYO Co. Ltd. 2020/2
Pneumatic drilling unit for composite materials such as CFRP SUGINO MACHINE LIMITED 2020/2
Development of a drill with a cutting edge optimally shaped for the drilling of a laminated sheet of CFRP and Ti alloy SANDVIK K.K. COROMANT COMPANY 2020/2
Flexible cutting and processing of CFRP plate and rod KYOWA MANUFACTURING INC. 2020/2
Increase of productivity/automation of CFRP high pressure vessel by Multiple Filament Winder MURATA MACHINERY, LTD.  2020/2
Materials for large structures for cost saving FUKUI FIBERTECH CO., LTD. 2020/2
Molding of motor core using magnetic material-added CFRP Hirose mold co., ltd 2020/2
Internal mold pressure and monitoring and control of molding process by pressure and/or temperature sensors Kistler Japan Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Heating prior to CFRTP molding NGK INSULATORS, LTD 2020/2
Integrated production system for high-strength and high-quality CFRP products DENKENSHA Co., Ltd.  2020/2
Weight reduction of structural parts by thermoplastic resin composite materials Takagi Seiko Corporation 2020/2
Shortening of the molding time and improvement of the surface quality by adopting a CFRTP hybrid press molding die Suruga Engineering Inc. 2020/2
Infrared heater for thermoplastic resin SUNWA TRADING CORPORATION 2020/2
A metal cladding tube with a hybrid structure SANKYO manufacturing co., Ltd. 2020/2
C (G) FRTP hybrid (over injection) molding technology SATOH MACHINERY WORKS CO., Ltd 2020/2
Weaving technology and molding/processing technology for high-function fibers, such as carbon fiber Sakai Sangyo Co.,Ltd / Sakai Composites Corp. 2020/2
System that performs rapid heating and rapid cooling by instantaneously switching the temperature of the medium circulating into the metal die between high and low temperature THERMOTEQ, Inc. (Manufucturer)  REIKEN, Inc. (Distributor) 2020/2
The wide range (speedup) molding speed of molding equipment and molding data logging KAWASAKI HYDROMECHANICS CORPORATION 2020/2
Mechanical/hydraulic hybrid two-sided CFRTP molding machine Hitachi Zosen Fukui Corporation 2020/2
CFRTP molding method by resin coating technique Ishikawa Jyushi Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Molding of thermoplastic carbon fiber reinforced plastic and manufacturing of metal mold Asano Co., Ltd. 2020/2
Developing and selling software that supports strength evaluation essential for composite design Technosolver Corporation 2020/2
Low cost thin-ply carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic prepreg Mitsuya Co.,Ltd. 2020/2
CF-PP (polypropylen) fiber-reinforced UD tape/sheet Mitsui Chemicals, INC. 2020/1
Carbon fiber reinforced pultrusion product FUKUVI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 2020/1
CF chopped tape sheet for RTM pre-forming TEC ONE CO., LTD. 2020/1
Reduction in the manufacturing cost and improvement of three-dimensional moldability by using the textile base material of the composite yarn of carbon fiber and resin reduces Tsuchiya Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Highly efficient molding employing roll forming for thermoplastic CFRP material DAIDO KOGYO CO., LTD. 2020/1
Efficient mixing and deaeration of resin used for CFRP base materials SUGINO MACHINE LIMITED 2020/1
TFP molding method allows any desired fiber orientation, high yield rate, reduction of molding time and mass production. TISM Co., Ltd. 2020/1
New-type CFRP prepreg sheets (featured by thermosetting property, opened thin layer, normal temperature storage/world’s fastest hardening) SEIREN CO., LTD./KB SEIREN, LTD. 2020/1
Spreading non-crimp fabric (Spreading NCF) SHINDO Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Strength increase, weight reduction, and molding time shortening using carbon fiber opened yarn prepreg impregnated with thermoplastic resin SAKAI OVEX Co., Ltd.  2020/1
CFRTP and GFRTP are continuous-fiber thermoplastic materials in which carbon or glass fiber is completely impregnated with thermoplastic resin SUNWA TRADING CORPORATION 2020/1
Development of thermoplastic CFRP sheets and development of their applications Ichimura Sangyo Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Improving production efficiency for isotropic matrix by automatic lamination of thermoplastic prepreg IHI Logistics & Machinery Corporation 2020/1
Automatic laminating machine for CFRTP (thiermoplastic) preform (form cutting and laminating machine) IHI Logistics & Machinery Corporation 2020/1
Innovative new carbon fiber composite with Arkema's new matrix resins, and Arkema's new filler ARKEMA K.K. 2020/1
Electro-fusion joining technology for CFRP Kindai University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering 2020/1
Thermoplastic Pre-preg Sheet Materials MARUHACHI Corp. 2020/1
Dissimilar joining of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic to metal by punching Toyama Industrial Technology Research and Development Center 2020/1
Development of "Biomass nano-fiber" composites using water jet technology SUGINO MACHINE LIMITED 2020/1
Carbon Fiber Composite Materials for Mold Injection Using Environment-Friendly Recycled Carbon Fibers SAKUMA SPECIAL STEEL CO., LTD. 2020/1
Thermosetting Pre-preg Sheets MARUHACHI Corp. 2020/1
Improvement of fatigue life of CFRP by addition of cellulose nanofiber SUGINO MACHINE LIMITED 2020/1
Soft carbon The MOT Company Ltd. 2020/1
CFRP mass processing and cutting technology by blasting Advanced Technology Research Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Dedicated heating device for hybrid injection molding of thermoplastic CFRP Kindai University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering 2020/1
Development of lightweight mold with release function used for CFRP curing Advanced Technology Research Laboratory Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Difficult-to-cut materials applying water jet technology SUGINO MACHINE LIMITED 2020/1
New thermoplastic carbon fiber strand rod KOMATSU MATERE Co., Ltd. 2020/1
A new thermoplastic carbon fiber tow tip KOMATSU MATERE Co., Ltd. 2020/1
New thermoplastic carbon fiber TOW UD KOMATSU MATERE Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Support of trial manufacturing of prepreg using a small amount of newly developed resin (including manufacturing of specimen) WIT Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Improvement of anisotropic thermal conductivity and development of new C/C composite with lower porosity (FS320) CFC Design Inc. 2020/1
Development of a device for measuring the degree of impregnation of reinforcing fiber material with liquid resin FRP SERVICES & COMPANY 2020/1
Enhanced functionality of carbon and foam products by sandwich structure INOAC CORPORATION 2020/1
Adhering carbon (CFRP/CFRTP) to different types of material by reactive hot melt SUZUICHI Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Accelerating the CFRP molding cycle using an HP-RTM injection machine Polymer Engineering Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Printing of carbon fiber composite with 3D printer FUDOW CO., LTD. 2020/1
Highly thermal conductive carbon fiber composite NIPPON STEEL Chemical & Material Co., Ltd. 2020/1
Carbon fiber composite material lay-up processing line Tsudakoma Corp. 2020/1
Simple automation of winding process in forming of deformed CFRP pipe TANAKA GIKEN CO., LTD. 2020/1
In-situ polymerization thermoplastic prepreg NIPPON STEEL Chemical & Material Co., Ltd. 2020/1
CFRP recycling technology using supercritical fluid Shizuoka University, Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering 2020/1
Advanced material recycling technology for thermoplastic CFRP Kindai University ・ e-Composites Group 2020/1
Observation of CF orientation in CFRP using plated fiber as a tracer by X-ray CT Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute 2020/1
Development of foaming epoxy resin SANYU REC CO., LTD. 2020/1
Application of penetrant test to CFRP Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute 2020/1
Optimization of cutting conditions by evaluating CFRP cutting Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu Industrial Technical Assistance Center 2020/1
Drilling technique for carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa 2020/1
Hybrid molding by fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin sheet and pellet Mie Prefecture Industrial Research Institute 2020/1
A mold technology for high-cycle forming of thermoplastic CFRP Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute 2020/1
Application of microwave process for CFRP forming, and development of CFRP using recycled carbon fiber National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 2020/1
Heating and transfer device for thermoplastic CFRP which can be used with a general-purpose metal press machine Kindai University ・ e-Composites Group 2020/1
Development of molding process of composite materials having high productivity (continuous molding) through mass production and at low cost Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Innovative Composite Materials Research and Development Center (ICC) 2020/1