Intermediate Products Molding Molding machine for CFRTP continuous fiber laminated plate

Technical Classification:
[ Intermediate Products ] [ Molding ]
[ Equipment / Facilities ]
[ continuous fiber ] [ Press machine ] [ stampable sheet ] [ Thermoplastic ] [ UD ]

Point of the Proposed Technology

A molding method and machine for CFRTP continuous fiber laminated plate which is integrated by a continuous fiber prepreg sheet of CFRTP being laminated, and heated/pressurized by a press machine. A high quality CFRTP continuous fiber laminated plate is molded by using a vacuum flat plate press machine and a unique jig construction without using delicate molds.
Developing technology and equipment capable of mass production of high-performance CFRTP laminated plates by combining an automatic laminating machine (currently under development) capable of laminating UD prepreg tape at high speed with optional laminated configurations (angles/number of plates), and a large/multi-stage press machine.


Cost reduction
Applicable to large size

Conventional Technology

In molding a laminated sheet with a prescribed thickness by laminating CFRTP continuous fiber prepreg sheets, heating and pressurization are generally performed in order to mold a good quality laminate with a small void ratio. The conventional technologies have the following problems.

 ・ Autoclaving
  The running cost is high, and secondary consumable material is required.

 ・ Metal mold + press machine
  An elaborate metal mold is required. The large-size metal mold is especially expensive and very heavy in weight as well.
  In addition, resin leakage from the mold may occur during heating or pressurization.

In addition, automatic laminating machines for prepreg tapes are not suitable for mass production because it takes too much time to laminate one plate with a device capable of laminating UD tape with high degree of flexibility.

New Technology

Since the work can be heated and pressed while maintaining its shape with a simple tool configuration (patent pending) and a flat hot plate press machine which the company has developed without using an elaborate metal mold, a good quality CFRTP laminate with a small void ratio can be molded at low cost.
Since the tool configuration is simple, the whole system can be flexible in size- and shape-changes. In addition, the time and effort required for cleaning and maintenance can be substantially reduced in comparison with metal molds.
The void ratio can be reduced and oxidization deterioration of the resin can be controlled through laminating under vacuum (reduced ressure).

  Developing technology and equipment capable of mass production of high-performance CFRTP laminated plates by combining an automatic laminating machine (currently under development) capable of laminating UD prepreg tape at high speed with optional laminated configurations (angles/number of plates), and a large/multi-stage press machine using described-above press molding technology.

Technology Deployment and Cooperation

Development Stage
Prototyping / experimental Stage (to be completed in 2020/3; progress: 80%)
Intellectual Property Right
Joint Researchers (their role)
Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute (West Region Industrial Research Center)
Example of Application
Automobile parts, etc., lightweight members
Technical Problems
Availability of CFRTP prepreg sheets is poorCFRTP
Collaborator needed to Improve
Fiber/Resin material manufacturers
Material manufacturers that consider producing stampable sheets
Automobile manufacturers and automobile parts manufacturers
Technical WEB page


Personnel / Department
Market Research Section / Manager, Hiroyuki Takei
800-8, Ukai-cho, Fuchu-shi, Hiroshima, 726-0002, Japan
Inquiry Form

Outline of Company and Organization

800-8, Ukai-cho, Fuchu-shi, Hiroshima, 726-0002, Japan
Capital / No. of Employees
1,335,010,000 yen / 120 employees 
Product Line
Hydraulic press machines, transfer machines, and other machinery and equipment
Major Customers
Printed board related manufacturers, automobile parts manufacturers
Overseas Base(s)
Company/Organization WEB page

Update date: 2020/2/12

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