Seeds of Keyword "cutting"

Theme Company/Organization Name
Cutting of thermoplastic CFRP using the ultrasonic cutter SONOTEC Co., Ltd.
Development of thermoplastic CFRP cutting tool Gifu Prefectural Industrial Technology Center
Flexible cutting and processing of CFRP plate and rod KYOWA MANUFACTURING INC.
Grinding tool "Grit Ace" (Change from cutting to grinding to realize high-quality with high-efficiency processing, and reduce the cost) NORITAKE CO., LIMITED
High-accuracy processing by water jet processing machine SUZUKI KOGYO Co. Ltd.
Molding of motor core using magnetic material-added CFRP Hirose mold co., ltd
Optimization of cutting conditions by evaluating CFRP cutting Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu Industrial Technical Assistance Center