Seeds of Keyword "mass production"

Theme Company/Organization Name
Accelerating the CFRP molding cycle using an HP-RTM injection machine Polymer Engineering Co., Ltd.
Automatic laminating machine for CFRTP (thiermoplastic) preform (form cutting and laminating machine) IHI Logistics & Machinery Corporation
Carbon-LFTD system KURIMOTO,LTD.
High Cycle-RTM system KURIMOTO,LTD.
Improving production efficiency for isotropic matrix by automatic lamination of thermoplastic prepreg IHI Logistics & Machinery Corporation
SunForce™: A Foam Contributing to Mass Production and Increased Shaped Flexibility of FRP Composites Asahi Kasei Corp.
Technology for achieving mass production of thermosetting and thermoplastic CFRP in press molding The MOT Company Ltd.
Welding/fusion cutting between molded parts using thermoplastic CFRTP SEIDENSHA ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.