JFE Techno-Research Corporation

Technology development and equipment enhancement to accommodate multi-material requests

Technical Classification:
[ Inspection & Analysis ] [ Strength & Durability ]
[ Service ]
[ functional group analysis ] [ high temperature - high humidity fatigue/creep tests ] [ microdroplet method ] [ Tensile tests from very low to high temperatures ]

Point of the Proposed Technology

- Tensile/bending/compression tests: The corresponding testing temperature range is expanded.             
- Fatigue/creep tester: The number of tests that can be handled at one time, and the temperature-humidity conditions are greatly expanded by equipment enhancement.                  
- Microdroplet test: The adhesion of the carbon fiber/resin interface which has a large influence on the strength of CFRP can be evaluated.


The material strength test programs of resin / composite material including CFRP are greatly improved.

New Technology

Technology Deployment and Cooperation

Development Stage Commercialization Completed (already delivered: yes)
Intellectual Property Right None
Joint Researchers (their role) Our company's own technology
Example of Application Analysis of the influence of the shear strength of carbon fiber/resin on CFRP tensile, fatigue, and creep test results
Technical Problems Fixture creation / augmentation for domestic and international standard test compliance, and database compilation of test conditions suitable for various materials
Collaborator needed to Improve Companies processing various test pieces and jigs
Technical WEB pagehttps://www.jfe-tec.co.jp/en/finds/products.html


Personnel / DepartmentNagoya Sales Department, West Japan Sales Office / Atsushi Kumada
Address 27F Dai Nagoya Building, 3-28-12 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, 450-6490 Japan
Contact TEL: +81-52-561-8680
FAX: +81-52-561-8650

Outline of Company and Organization

Location 2-7-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan
Contact TEL: +81-3-3510-3833 FAX: +81-3-3510-3799
Capital / No. of Employees100,000,000 yen・1433 employees
Product LineTechnology think tank, technology consultant, technology service
Major CustomersManufacturing companies
Overseas Base(s)
Company/Organization WEB pagehttps://www.jfe-tec.co.jp/en/index.html

Update date: 2020/2/3